Our SMI coordinator Djaffar OULD ABDESLAM has been invited to talk at the virtual event on Europe’s diverse research landscape, organised by BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG INTERNATIONAL Agency für International Economic and Scientific Cooperation.
The Virtual Event Series take place from the 30th of March until the 31th of December 2021. Each month will be focused on the recent scientific developments in a specific European country.
Our coordinator will speak on the 30th of March 2021 at 3 p.m
This session will be on Artificial Intelligence in France, and our coordinator will speak alongside Prof. Dr. Hervé Martin, Attaché for Science and University Cooperation for Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, French Embassy in Germany and Dr. Regine Gernert, Coordinator Franco-German innovation projects for artificial intelligence, DLR Projektträger & *Antoine Roux, Innovation Direction, BPI France.
Participation is free of charge but mandatory. You can register here .
For more information : BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG INTERNATIONAL Agency für International Economic and Scientific Cooperation
Photo by S O C I A L . C U T on Unsplash