On January 31, 2020, a new working meeting took place on the campus of the Hochschule Offenburg with the partners of the project SMI – Smart Meter Inclusif.
The partners responsible for three Workpackages of the SMI – Smart Meter Inclusif project have therefore come together. Axel SIKORA and Ivan RIOGOEV (Hochschule Offenburg, Germany) represented Workpackage 4: Security Concepts for Distributed Smart Grids. Djaffar OULD ABDESLAM (Université de Haute-Alsace, France) and Daniel WEISSHAAR (Hochschule Furtwangen, Germany) represented Workpackage 5: Artificial intelligence for the development of the smart meter. And finally, Holger WACHE and Martin GEIDL (Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Switzerland) represented Workpackage 8: White Paper Smart Metering: Innovative Applications and Business Models for the Use of Smart Meters.
This working meeting provided an opportunity to discuss safety protocols and the communication aspect of future communicating meters. The partners present extended this analysis to the three countries of the Trinational Metropolitan Region.